
This section contains a selection of publications based on the use of CreaTec´s products. Those papers are a feedback from our clients and partners, presenting the latest breakthroughs from the scientific world.


Anisotropic Absorption of Pure Spin Currents (2016)

A. A. Baker, A. I. Figueroa, C. J. Love, S. A. Cavill, T. Hesjedal, G. van der Laan

An ultra-compact, high-throughput molecular beam epitaxy growth system (2015)

A. A. Baker, W. Braun, G. Gassler, S. Rembold, A. Fischer, T. Hesjedal

Growth System

Growth of Twin-Free and Low-Doped Topological Insulators on BaF2(111(2017)

F. Bonell, M. G. Cuxart, K. Song, R. Robles, P. Ordejón, S. Roche, A. Mugarza, S. O. Valenzuela

Photoluminescence and the gallium problem for highest-mobility GaAs/AlGaAs-based 2d electrongases (2016)

F. Schläpfer, W. Dietsche, C. Reichl, S. Faelt, W. Wegscheider

Large-distance rf- and de-sputtering of of epitaxial La1−xSrxMnO3 thin films (2012)

Philipp M. Leufke, Ajay Kumar Mishra, André Beck, Di Wang, Christian Kübel, Robert Kruk, Horst Hahn

Synthesis of atomically thin hexagonal boron nitride films on nickel foils by molecular beam epitaxy (2015)

S. Nakhaie, J.M. Wofford, T. Schumann, U. Jahn, M. Ramsteiner, J. M. J. Lopes, H. Riechert

Epitaxial growth of nonpolar ZnO on MgO(100) substrate by molecular beam epitaxy (2013)

C. -Y. J. Lu, L. Chang n, K. H. Ploog, M. M. C. Chou

Intrinsic ultrathin topological insulators grown via molecular beam epitaxy characterized by in-situ angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (2012)

J. J. Lee, F. T. Schmitt, R. G. Moore, I. M. Vishik, Y. Ma et al.

Two-Dimensional Iron Tungstate: A Ternary Oxide Layer With Honeycomb Geometry (2016)

S. Pomp, D. Kuhness, G. Barcaro, L. Sementa, V. Mankad, A. Fortunelli, M. Sterrer, F. P. Netzer, S. Surnev

Epitaxial NiWO4 films on Ni(110): Experimental and theoretical study of surface stability (2017)

N. Doudin, S. Pomp, M. Blatnik, R. Resel, M. Vorokhta, J. Goniakowski, C. Noguera, F. P. Netzer, S. Surnev

Nanoscale Domain Structure and Defects in a 2-D WO3 Layer on Pd(100) (2016)

N. Doudin, D. Kuhness, M. Blatnik, G. Barcaro, F. R. Negreiros, L. Sementa, A. Fortunelli, S. Surnev, F. P. Netze


Interfacial mode coupling as the origin of the enhancement of Tc in FeSe films on SrTiO3 (2014)

J. J. Lee, F. T. Schmitt, R. G. Moore, S. Johnston, Y.-T. Cui, W. Li, M. Yi, Z. K. Liu, M. Hashimoto, Y. Zhang, D. H. Lu, T. P. Devereaux, D.-H. Lee, Z.-X. Shen


CRC | Supplementary Information for ”Significant Tc enhancement in FeSe films on SrTiO3 due to interfacial mode coupling” (2014)

J. J. Lee, F. T. Schmitt, R. G. Moore, S. Johnston, Y.-T. Cui, W. Li, M. Yi, Z. K. Liu, M. Hashimoto, Y. Zhang, D. H. Lu, T. P. Devereaux, D. -H. Lee, Z.-X. Shen

CRC | Catalyst-free growth of Bi2Te3 nanostructures by molecular beam epitaxy (2014)

S. E. Harrison, P. Schönherr, Y. Huo, J. S. Harris, T. Hesjedal

HLC-TUBO | Stress originating from nanovoids in hydrogenated amorphous semiconductors (2017)

Zumin Wang, David Flötotto, Eric J. Mittemeijer

HLC-TUBO | Highly retarded crystallization in hydrogenated amorphous germanium; emergence of a porous nanocrystalline structure (2016)

Al-Saleh Keita, Zumin Wanga, Fritz Phillipp, Ewald Bischoff, Eric J. Mittemeijer

HTC | High-resolution 40Ar/39Ar dating using a mechanical sample transfer system combined with a high-temperature cell for step heating experiments and a multicollector ARGUS noble gas mass spectrometer (2014)

Pfänder, J. A., B. Sperner, L. Ratschbacher, A. Fischer, M. Meyer, M. Leistner, H. Schaeben

HTC | Nanoscale Domain Structure and Defects in a 2‑D WO3 Layer on Pd(100) (2016)

N. Doudin, D. Kuhness, M. Blatnik, G. Barcaro, F. R. Negreiros, L. Sementa, A. Fortunelli, S. Surnev, F. P. Netzer

HTC | Two-Dimensional Iron Tungstate: A Ternary Oxide Layer With Honeycomb Geometry (2016)

S. Pomp, D. Kuhness, G. Barcaro, L. Sementa, V. Mankad, A. Fortunelli, M. Sterrer, F. P. Netz, S. Surnev

HTC | Epitaxial NiWO4 films on Ni(110): Experimental and theoretical study of surface stability (2017)

N. Doudina, S. Pompa, M. Blatnika, R. Reselb, M. Vorokhtac, J. Goniakowskid, C. Noguerad, F. P. Netzera, S. Surneva


In-situ angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of copper-oxide thin films synthesized by molecular beam epitaxy (2018)

C. K. Kim, I. K. Drozdov, K. Fujita, J. C. Séamus Davis, I. Božović, T. Valla